Dunk The Granny

4.6 ( 4326 ratings )
Spil Arkade
Forfatter: GBD Software
0.99 USD

Have you ever wanted to dunk cranky old people in a tank of water, but just haven’t had the means or opportunity?

Welcome to Dunk The Granny! A fun and cathartic carnival-eque pastime for those afflicted by the disagreeable elderly!

The game puts you in front of an obnoxious old lady sitting precariously over a water tank. As she rants her incessant, condescending gibberish, you just wish you could make her stop. And you can! In your hand is a ball, a symbol of hope and freedom. Just hurl that sucker square at the target and the granny will go for a dive, silencing all her discouraging disapproval in one fell swoop. The simultaneous sense of satisfaction and relief needs to be experienced first hand to be fully appreciated!

But it doesn’t end there. You can do it again! And again! And as many times as you want! And you’ll even be rewarded for it!

Work your way through ‘noob’, ‘skilled’ and ‘master’ difficulties to unlock the prize room. Here you will find a free gift and a treasure trove of earn-able goodies to enhance your Granny dunking even further. Gain points by testing your skills on the ‘marathon’ difficulty to earn prizes that will make you rejoice! And there may even be a few more nasty surprises for the granny!

So come one, come all! Step right up and dunk that granny down!